Supplies & Maintenance

Xerox Standard Accounting: Setting Print Quota Parameters

Submitted by Joel Metzler on Mon, 11/15/2021 - 08:09

When was the last time that you checked how much your organization was printing? Was it last month? Year? Maybe never? 

It’s pretty common for most businesses to overlook print costs, and focus on other, more pressing expenses. However, as a reputable print vendor we’ve seen organizations do just that, and then panic once they realize how much they’re actually printing. 

That’s why we typically recommend some form of managed print services. And for companies not looking to spend money on anything fancy, Xerox Standard Accounting is the perfect solution, because it allows you to create personalized user profiles, and then set parameters on how much those users are allowed to print.  

What to Expect From the Delivery Process of Your Copier or Printer

Submitted by Keith Metzler on Wed, 11/03/2021 - 10:10



If you’re reading this article, it’s likely that you’ve recently purchased a new copier or printer and are preparing for your installation date.  

You’ve chosen the machine that includes installation and setup, configured with all the accessories and features you want, you’ve signed all the paperwork, and now all that’s left is for a service technician to deliver and configure your device.  

Do I Need to Have a Backup Copier or Printer?

Submitted by Karla Metzler on Wed, 10/27/2021 - 07:35

Picture this: It’s a busy day at the law firm you work at, everyone’s rushing around trying to get work done, while you’re standing at the printer, waiting for your court transcripts to finish printing.  

Suddenly, the printer goes down, and a warning sign flashes on the screen. All those documents you needed to be printed are gone, as well the contracts, manuals, NDAs, and other papers that your coworkers needed to print too. The whole office essentially comes to a halt, and no one really knows what to do.  

How Do I Set Up an Internal Address Book on My Xerox Device?

Submitted by Joel Metzler on Wed, 10/13/2021 - 07:52

 There’s nothing more fun than tedious office tasks like scanning and sending documents- said no one ever.  

There’s a reason these tasks are tedious- you do them again and again, and while they might not be inherently difficult or time-consuming, it’s still something that’s taking away from your productivity time, and it can get old quickly.  

Auto-Toner or Buying My Own- Which is Right for Me?

Submitted by Magye Swenson on Mon, 10/04/2021 - 09:43

Buying copier/printer toner can be confusing. Most boxes look the same, there are so many different types, and it’s hard to keep track of when you’re running low, leaving you with an empty cartridge in the middle of a workday.  

After being in the copier/printer industry for over 35 years, we’ve seen all of the different problems and mistakes that can be made when it comes to buying toner- and we’ve seen the best ways to ensure your organization will have exactly what it needs.  

4 Ways That Having Personalized User Accounts Can Benefit Your Organization

Submitted by Joel Barriga on Mon, 09/27/2021 - 11:48

While it might seem like a minor inconvenience to some, constantly looking through apps just to find the same one that you use every day is a waste of valuable time that could be spent working. That’s why we’ve found one of the best solutions for organizations with multiple users assigned to print is personalized individual user accounts, made possible with Xerox ConnectKey Technology.  


Servicing Your Own Machine? 3 Reasons Why It's a Bad Idea

Submitted by Matthew Eberhart on Fri, 09/24/2021 - 15:14

Having a copier or printer break or go out of service is always a big hassle. It can put a lot of your office processes on hold, and your organization could be wasting valuable time while it gets fixed.  

As experienced Xerox print vendors, we know how tempting it might be to just try and figure the problem out yourself. It can’t be as hard as it seems, right?  

Actually, copiers and printers are very intricate machines. They have a lot of functioning mechanisms inside them and are unlike most other electronic devices. We’ve seen countless people try to fix their own machine, so we’ve compiled the 3 reasons why it just really isn’t a good idea.   

Where Does Printing Fit in a Hybrid Workspace?

Submitted by Karla Metzler on Wed, 09/22/2021 - 09:00

We all know how challenging the past year and a half has been. With all of the changes that we’ve had to get accustomed to, working from home was probably one of the biggest, and for some, the most challenging (parents, teachers, etc.). Others, however, enjoyed the flexibility and comfort of working from home and found that they were more productive or that it was more convenient for them.  

Now that the country is opening up again, many businesses are calling their employees back to the office. But with the benefits of working from home so apparent for some, and inconvenient for others, it’s hard to find a solution that caters to everyone’s individual needs. That’s where a hybrid work schedule comes into play.  

Who is Strategic Technology Partners of Texas?

Submitted by Karla Metzler on Fri, 09/17/2021 - 09:04

Navigating the copier/printer industry and looking for a reliable print vendor can be quite the hassle. You may not know if you’re getting the best deals, the best equipment, or even if you’re working with the best vendor. 

We here at Strategic Technology Partners of Texas have been operating for over 35 years, and we’ve experienced firsthand the difference that a good vendor/customer relationship can have. We also know that understanding the history of your print vendor can help you avoid any confusion, especially if they’ve changed names a couple of times like us.  

5 Problems with your Auto Toner Replenishment System and How to Avoid Them

Submitted by Matthew Eberhart on Wed, 08/25/2021 - 08:54

 Alexander Pope once said, “to err is human.” This phrase is applicable in many circumstances, even when learning and operating the functions on your copier/printer.  

Unlike Pope’s famous poem from the 1700s, Copiers/Printers are modern and typically easy to use, depending on the make and model of your machine. These modern machines often come with the ability to automatically ship your toner when needed, which is convenient, but we want to make sure you are using the system correctly to avoid any problems or delays in receiving your toner.  

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