Top Questions You Should Ask Before You Choose an MPS Provider

Submitted by Matthew Eberhart on Fri, 08/02/2024 - 14:41
A man on the phone in front of a faulty printer

Are you currently in the process of selecting a Managed Print Services (MPS) provider, or are you exploring your options? Choosing the right MPS provider can be daunting, but fear not—we are here to help you make this important decision.

As a leading print vendor company with over 35 years of experience in providing print services, we understand the challenges and opportunities that come with this decision. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and insights necessary to make the best choice for your business.

In this informative article, we’ll discuss the most crucial questions you should ask a potential MPS provider. By sharing our extensive expertise, we aim to equip you with the tools to assess whether an MPS provider is the right fit for your specific needs. We’ll also point out key qualities that make a great MPS provider.

By the end of this article, you will have gained valuable insights that will help you confidently and clearly choose an MPS provider.

What Makes a Good MPS Provider?

First, let’s review managed print services (MPS). MPS are extra services vendors provide to minimize disruptions, maximize device functionality, and control costs. They can include monitoring supply levels and automatically sending toner shipments, device usage reporting, and covering maintenance and supplies under one monthly invoice.

Here are three main qualities of an ideal MPS provider:

  • Automatic timely supplies
  • Timely service
  • Someone to call

Let’s delve a bit further into each quality.

Automatic timely supplies

One of the most significant advantages of having MPS is getting automatic, timely supplies replenished. The most common one is auto toner shipments. A good MPS provider should send out supplies promptly, and printers should not have to be down due to unavailable supplies.

However, it’s important to note that untimely automatic supplies are not always the provider’s fault. If the customer’s devices are not online or reporting on the printer data collection tool provided, then there isn’t a way for a provider to know when to ship an automatic replenishment.

Also, not all supplies are automatic. Some supplies, such as waste containers, can NOT be monitored by percentage level, and this requires notification on the customer's part.

Note: It’s always good to inform your MPS provider if your volume is going to have a significant increase due to a special or unpredicted job.

Timely Service

When an issue arises with your printers, it must be fixed to avoid downtime and interruptions to your business. Service calls must be timely, and SLAs should be established on the MPS contract. 

Ideally, service techs should be on site or at least in touch with the customer within eight business hours. However, your MPS provider should be able to prioritize service needs due to business demands.

Point of Contact

Clear communication is also crucial. An engaged MPS provider should be accessible and easy to contact.

You should be able to pick up the phone anytime (such as 8-5 on weekdays) and talk to a real person who can access your account.  This person may not be the perfect person to talk to, but they can get you in touch with someone who can help.  You may have to leave a voice message, but a solid MPS provider should call you back soon.

Learn more about what MPS encompasses and how it can benefit your business here.

What Questions should I ask an MPS provider?

When choosing an MPS provider, asking questions that go beyond the standard sales pitch is essential. The cost of MPS is a huge deciding factor, but it shouldn’t be the only one. Here are nine critical questions to consider:

1. How long has your company been providing MPS?

Experience matters. A seasoned provider brings valuable insight and expertise to the table, ensuring a smoother transition and superior support for your MPS needs.

By asking this question, you gain insight into the provider's experience with MPS customers and their unique challenges. Working with a provider who has a proven track record can help you avoid becoming a testing ground for inexperienced providers, leading to a more positive MPS onboarding experience.

2. Do you do a walkthrough/study?

This question can reveal the company's commitment to cost savings and print fleet optimization. It also shows how much they want to be a partner rather than just a supplier.

A study not only helps build stronger relationships, but it also shows a genuine willingness to understand the customer’s unique needs.

Learn more about what an MPS study is here.

3. Can I keep my current machines, or do I need to buy new ones?

This is a crucial question to ask when considering an MPS provider. Understanding whether you need to invest in updating your current print infrastructure or can continue using your existing fleet will help you plan and budget effectively. This ultimately comes down to saving money by avoiding unnecessary expenses.

An expert note from STPT: When managing a new print fleet, using a single brand leads to better success than dealing with a mixed brand environment. Having a consistent brand reduces confusion and oversights. So, if you're wondering whether to stick with your current machines or invest in new ones, maintaining consistency will make your MPS experience smoother. Feel free to ask if you have any questions!

4. What is the process for supply replenishment?

Knowing what to expect when choosing an MPS provider is crucial. Will supply replenishment be automated, or will you need to follow up constantly? What are the limitations to that automation? Will you need IT support for software? Will the supplies ship to multiple locations? These are all important factors to consider. Understanding the supply replenishment process will help determine if an MPS solution is right for you.

5. Who is your supply distributor, and where are they located?

This question is often overlooked, but it's crucial to know where the supplies are shipped from and where they are located. This information can directly impact shipping times. For instance, if you are based in Ft. Worth and the supplier is in Dallas, you can typically expect next-day delivery. However, you could be left waiting for days if the supplies come from a distant location without overnight shipping options. Additionally, a provider with multiple supply sources can help mitigate backorder situations.

6. Does the supplier provide OEM supplies or compatible supplies?

When considering an MPS provider, asking whether the supplier offers OEM supplies or compatible alternatives is critical. Opting for compatible supplies might mean higher costs due to faster machine wear and tear. It could also suggest that the MPS company doesn't have access to OEM supplies. Therefore, it's wise to prioritize a provider who can offer OEM supplies for better performance and longevity of your equipment.

7. Does your program cover large and small devices within the same contract?

You might be interested in having all your devices covered under one contract. Consolidating all your devices into a single contract can make billing more convenient. However, some providers may split larger and smaller devices into separate contracts due to pricing and other factors. If you have the option to combine them, it can simplify things for your Accounts Payable team.

Learn more about printer pooling here.

8. Who do I contact if something is not right?

It's crucial to know who to contact if you encounter issues with your MPS provider. You wouldn't want to end up navigating through automated systems or dealing with unhelpful customer service.

The best-case scenario is having a local help desk that can provide quick assistance when things go south. This is why it's important to partner with an MPS provider who prioritizes your needs.

However, it's essential to play by the rules and not misuse the system, as it can affect the support you receive in critical situations.

9. Do you promise me that this will work perfectly?

It's essential to ask providers how they ensure honesty and transparency in their services. Look for providers who acknowledge their system's value while emphasizing the importance of following the program’s rules for best results. A reliable provider will talk openly about potential challenges and the support they offer to resolve any issues. This question helps you understand how committed the provider is to honesty and customer support.

Considerations When Choosing the Right MPS Provider

Selecting the right MPS provider is a critical decision for any business. By asking the right questions and understanding the key qualities of an ideal MPS provider, you can ensure that you make an informed choice that aligns with your specific needs. Look for a provider that offers not only automatic, timely supplies and service but also a dedicated point of contact for any printing issues.

Remember, the goal of Managed Print Services is to control costs and create a more efficient and productive print environment. With the knowledge gained from this article, you are better equipped to confidently choose an MPS provider that will elevate your business's printing operations. Stay informed, ask the right questions, and watch as your business benefits from a well-managed print environment.

Discover the Benefits of STPT’s MPS Solution: e-Valet

If you want to streamline your print environment and take control of your printing costs, consider exploring our MPS solution, e-valet. Our e-valet service is designed to efficiently manage your print infrastructure while optimizing costs and productivity.

To learn more about e-valet and what it entails, visit our dedicated blog post by clicking the image below. If you're interested in our e-valet solution and have questions or need more information to see if we could be the right fit for your business, please feel free to contact us directly. We're here to help you make an informed decision and find the best MPS provider for your specific needs.