The hard part is over. You’ve found the right machine, have your order agreement and are ready to sign the Consulting Services and Verification form (CSV).
What is the CSV form and why is it necessary?
Below is a description of what the CSV form is, and a breakdown of each of the six sections included in the document.
What Is the CSV Form?
The CSV form is a one-page document you’ll receive at the time your order is placed that sets expectations and lays out responsibilities for the installation and training on your newly purchased machine.
It’s a document that’s primary purpose is to verify important information that you need to know before the machine is delivered and installed in your workplace.
The document is broken down into six sections, all of which will need to be initialed. Let’s go over those in detail:
The 6 Sections of the CSV
Now, let’s go over the six sections that make up the CSV:
Analyst Verification
The Analyst Verification portion of the document is the first section you will read and initial on. It covers all the features that can be set up on your machine during installation and lays out what is included as a part of the analyst installation work.
The features that you can have included as a part of your agreement are specified in another pre-installation document, the Customer Requirements Input Form (CRIF).
These features include:
Setup print drivers on the server for shared printing or on PCs for direct printing on up to five computers. NOTE: Additional PCs, PC replacements, or new PCs purchased after the initial installation will be billed at standard hourly rates.
Install network scanning services on the server if applicable.
Setup Scan to Email if applicable.
Setup Fax if applicable.
Initial setup of Xerox Standard Accounting if applicable.
Install Xerox Device Agent (XDA). NOTE: Monitoring software must be installed on a Windows-based server and it must be installed on the same network as your Xerox Unit. Continuous monitoring of the Xerox device ensures accurate billing and supply delivery.
*If the customer is not available at the time of installation for the analyst to install, the XDA link will be directly emailed to the customer to download. The customer is responsible for ordering all supplies as needed using the Xerox supply phone number. When the XDA is installed and reading accurately, auto-toner shipments will occur.
All six of these features can be included as a part of the analyst installation work when your machine gets delivered.
However, any additional features that need to be added besides the ones spelled out above will cost more to implement, with the price varying depending on the other features added.
Additionally, if you need standard installation features to be re-installed after the initial installation, that is considered billable at a discounted rate.
Training Verification
The second section covers the training portion of the installation process.
It covers training services for up to five employees on the new machine. If more than five employees need to be trained, the analyst will train a designated employee who will be able to train anybody else that may need training after initial installation.
If you need additional on-site training after initial delivery and installation, that will be considered billable. However, you will have multiple training resources to you on the Xerox website.
Cash Order Verification
The next section only applies to customers that paid for their equipment in cash.
This section lets you know that you could receive separate invoices for the machine itself, and any other installation services that need to be done.
Customer Expectation and Installation Guide (CEIG) Verification
Next is an acknowledgment that you received the Customer Expectation and Installation Guide (CEIG) for the machine you ordered.
The CEIG is a comprehensive guide with everything you need to know about your machine, including its specifications, space requirements, electrical requirements, product expectations and more.
For more information on the CEIG, read our blog over what you should expect in your CEIG.
Waiver of Consultation/Recommendation
The fifth section of the CSV covers your decision to purchase a printer after receiving consultation from a sales representative and that you understand the machine you’re purchasing is not recommended for your specific applications.
A few things that can result in dissatisfaction from not following your sales representative’s recommendations include:
Printing over your machine’s recommended monthly print volume.
Printing on media that doesn’t meet your machine’s specifications (I.e. paper, cardstock, labels).
Not having the proper space or electrical requirements to properly install the machine.
For more information, read these blogs:
Security/Hard Disc Drive Overwrite
The last section of the CSV covers the Security/Hard Disc Drive Overwrite feature, which is a feature that assures any residual data from copy, print and/or scan jobs will be overwritten and is a manual setup that must be run by the customer.
Although it can be set up to automatically install on your machine, it is your responsibility to run the feature before the end of your lease agreement to clear data before the machine is moved out.
It should be noted that the security overwrite feature is not available on all Xerox models. Some newer machines now operate with a Solid State Drive, which does not require the Hard Disc Image Overwrite feature.
It also states that by initialing, you agree that the security feature is compliant with your company’s security policies and that if it’s not enough to meet your security measures, there is a fee-based program that allows you to purchase and retain your hard drive at the end of your lease.
This fee-based program allows a Xerox technician to remove the hard disc drive and have it turned over to you for proper handling before removal of your machine.
Other Important Information
The six sections of the CSV make up most of the form, but there are three quick tidbits to know before you’re ready to fill it out:
You will need to put the name of your company and date at the top of the document.
You will need to sign and date the CSV at the bottom of the document.
There is a one-time lease documentation fee of around $100. This price may vary slightly and is set by the finance company that is utilized. Cash agreements and some customers may be excluded from this fee.
Want to Learn What Delivery Day Will Look Like?
The CSV is a document that is required to be filled out and submitted with your order.
This should be easy to understand and shouldn’t take long to go through and sign. However, failure to fill out and sign the document can lead to the delayed delivery of your machine.
If you have any further questions about what’s in the CSV, contact your sales representative and they will go through it with you.
In the meantime, read our blog on what to expect from the delivery process of your printer to learn how a typical delivery day plays out.