​Why Is Print Volume Important for a Printer? (How to Check It) 

Submitted by Magye Swenson on


Print volume is one of the most important factors to consider when shopping for a new printer, but why? What does it even mean?

One cannot overstate the significance of print volume. Besides cost, it is arguably the most crucial factor in deciding which printer/copier to purchase.   

As a local print vendor that has helped businesses of all kinds find their ideal machine, we've learned all too well the consequences of ignoring print volume when purchasing a printer. We don't want you to have to deal with them.

Neglecting to track how much you print or copy each month can cause you to overuse a machine past its capacity. Overusing a machine can lead to increased service issues and a complete breakdown

The ultimate result is wasted money and an inefficient printing environment. To avoid this, you should know your print volume and purchase a machine that can adequately accommodate it. 

We'll make sure you're equipped with all the information you need so that the next time you purchase an office printer, it will be one that can meet your print volume and last for a long time.

So, let's get into the article, starting with what print volume means before discussing its importance and how to check your current volume.

Need a printer/copier? Download your free copy of the Complete Guide to Purchasing or Leasing a Printer for Your Business to ensure you get a suitable machine in place the first time.

What Does Print Volume Mean?

Print volume refers to the number of prints or copies an organization produces regularly. It's typically measured in monthly increments, also known as prints per month.  

When searching for a new machine, you will likely see two ways of measuring print volume:

  1. Monthly duty cycle
  2. Recommended monthly print volume  

The manufacturer sets a machine's monthly duty cycle, representing its power or maximum print capacity. While you could technically print at a machine's maximum monthly duty cycle, you should always follow its recommended monthly print volume.

The recommended monthly print volume is usually around 10% of a machine's monthly duty cycle, which manufacturers set as the standard you should follow.

Read our blog on duty cycle vs. recommended monthly print volume to learn more about the differences between the two. 

Why Is Print Volume Important?

As the introduction mentions, print volume is one of the most important factors to consider before purchasing a printer. This is because printers tend to be categorized as low-volume or high-volume. 

High-volume printers can print a higher quantity of documents/images and usually have higher print speeds. They also tend to be more expensive upfront. However, the cost-per-page will typically be cheaper. 

If you don't know your print volume, you might end up purchasing a machine that can't adequately handle your print output.

If you purchase a machine that is larger than your print requirements, you might also spend more than you need to. 

Both scenarios, overutilizing and underutilizing your machine, can lead to financial and daily operational woes. Let's break them down in more detail:

Printing Over Your Recommended Print Volume

Companies that buy printers unequipped for their print volume typically do so because they are only considering the initial purchase price. Lower-volume printers with lower recommended monthly print volumes tend to be less expensive. 

It's understandable why businesses wouldn't want to pay top dollar for an office printer. Still, the problem with buying the cheap option is that it can lead to heftier long-term costs if a business has high-volume printing. 

Using a printer that can't handle your printing demands can result in increased service calls, repair work, and even the need for new parts. Continuously exceeding your printer's capacity can strain your device, causing it to wear out faster. These issues can add up in cost, especially if you're not under a maintenance contract.

Service technicians often charge upwards of $100 an hour, and if the problem with your printer is complex, it could lead to a high service bill that you may not have budgeted for.

Increased service work is an annoyance, but the gravest consequence of printing over your recommended print volume is overusing the machine to the point that it's no longer operational.

If you purchased an expensive machine that you hoped would last you for a decade but only lasted five years because of overuse, you would have to go out and buy another machine to take its place. 

For expert help on making your printer last longer, check out our blog on eight tips for increasing the lifespan of your printer or copier.

Regardless of your company's size, having to dole out thousands of dollars unexpectedly can damage your budget. When it comes to printing, you can avoid unnecessary expenses by purchasing a machine that can handle your print volume from the outset.

Printing Under Your Recommended Print Volume 

Sometimes, a company may buy a printer that is larger than they actually need. As a result, they may end up spending more money than necessary on the machine. Although this scenario is not as common as the previous one, it does happen from time to time.

It's better to overcompensate your print volume than undercompensate it. Still, you don't want to spend hundreds to even thousands of dollars more on a machine when you don't have to.

Getting a machine aligned with your print volume is critical to ensuring that you don't overspend—or underspend—on your office printer. If your print volume is low or if you print more out of convenience, then it’s best to use a low-volume printer.

The question then becomes: How do you check or estimate your current print volume so that you know which machine to look for? 

How Do I Figure Out My Current Print Volume?

There are three main ways to calculate your current monthly print volume. They are: 

1. Check Your Current Printing Bill

Checking your current printer/copier invoice will be the most accurate way to examine your monthly print volume. If you utilize a maintenance plan for your current machine, your invoice will likely tell you exactly how much you print or copy each month.   

2. Check the Meter Reads on Your Printer

Example of a meter read on a Xerox printer

This is an example of a meter read on a Xerox printer.

Meter reads tell you how many impressions, or total prints and copies, you have made. The information is usually found in the machine's settings or on a printed report.   

Take the meter reading you discovered and divide it by how many months you've owned that machine. The result will provide a close calculation of your monthly print volume, especially if you purchased a new machine, since the meter should start at or near zero.  

3. Check How Much Paper You Use Each Month

This method is the simplest but least accurate way to evaluate your volume.  

Let's say you can't complete the previous two options. In that case, you can gauge how much paper or paper reams you go through each month to get a rough print volume estimate. This estimate will help you as you search for a machine that can safely handle your monthly print volume.

For an example of calculating volume with paper, let's say you use two paper reams a month. To estimate your current print volume, you would simply multiply two times the total number of pages in a ream (typically 500) to approximate the number of prints you make in a month.  

Check out our blog on how to calculate your monthly print volume for a more detailed guide.

What Other Factors Go Into Buying a Printer?

Print volume is one of the most crucial factors to consider when buying a suitable printer for your organization.   

Knowing your print volume before you research a new machine will help you find a printer that can sufficiently handle your volume and avoid the unexpected costs that can come with the wrong printer. 

Use the steps discussed in this article to calculate your current print volume, which you can then use to narrow down the search for your next machine.

Because we've been in the printer/copier industry for over 35 years, we've learned everything you need to consider before buying an office printer. 

Print volume is one of the most pertinent factors, but there are plenty of other factors that you need to consider before pressing "Buy" on your next printer. 

Download our free Guide to Purchasing or Leasing a Printer to learn about all the factors you need to take into account before purchasing your office's next machine. 

Ready to Find the Perfect Printer for Your Needs?

Don't let the importance of print volume overwhelm you. Click on the image below to head to our product configurator. Our product configurator makes it easy to find a printer that meets your specific budget and needs.

With options to select print speed, a monochrome or color printer, and even the ability to download the product specs sheet for every printer model, you can be confident that you're choosing a machine that can handle your print volume. Whether you need high-volume or low-volume printers, our product catalog has you covered.

Try our product configurator today and take the first step towards a more efficient and cost-effective printing environment.

Configure your own printer