Supplies & Maintenance

Top 4 Problems with 3D Printers (Solutions)

Submitted by Liz Adair on Fri, 04/14/2023 - 15:30

Have you ever drawn up blueprints for the perfect home or sketched a design for an innovative new tool and wished you could bring your art to life?

The print industry was built on innovation, and it is continuing to innovate. One of the hottest trends in the industry today can help you make your art and design projects a reality: 3D printing.

Everything You Need to Know About Chromebook Printing

Submitted by Karla Metzler on Tue, 04/04/2023 - 13:17

In 2020, it was reported that Chromebooks were outselling Macs two to one. 

Although many people assumed the sudden increase in Chromebook sales was directly related to the Covid-19 pandemic, recent research indicates that Chromebooks by Google and the Chrome OS continues to attract consumer interest because of its low price and easy-to-use interface.

Now, more and more small businesses and organizations are turning to Chromebooks as a cheaper alternative to Windows and Macbook computers.

But as more organizations begin to use Chromebooks in the office, the issue of Chromebook printer compatibility has become more important than ever before.

As a print vendor with nearly 40 years of experience, STPT is knowledgeable and dedicated to helping you adapt your workplace to the demands of the 21st century. 

5 Major Mistakes You're Making With Your Copier Printer (2024)

Submitted by Mary Shamburger on Fri, 03/31/2023 - 15:15

A copier printer is a lot like a car.

The longer you drive a car, the more likely you’ll have to replace tires, breaks, filters, or engine parts. The more wear and tear you put on an aging car, the more you’ll have to take it in to be serviced.

At a certain point, the amount of service needed to keep your car running may cost more than the car's worth. 

Like a car, a copier printer is a machine. This means that your office copy machine or all in one printer has moveable parts that are worn down over time, especially with extensive use.

​9 Common Printer Problems (Solutions) 

Submitted by Joel Metzler on Mon, 02/20/2023 - 09:00

Have you ever experienced a paper jam? Had lines going through your prints? Couldn’t connect your printer to Wi-Fi? 

If you’ve ever owned or used a printer, you’re probably well aware of some of these common issues and know firsthand the frustration they can cause. 

As a company whose sold printers/copiers for almost four decades, we have assisted customers with almost any kind of printer problem you can think of. 

We’re going to round up nine of the most frequent issues we’ve run across during our time in the industry and provide you with direct solutions to fix these problems.  

How Do You Print on Both Sides of the Paper? (Duplex Printing) 

Submitted by Nolan Fowler on Wed, 02/08/2023 - 09:00

How do you print on both sides of the paper with a printer? 

Duplex printing, which is the term used to define printing on both sides of the paper, is one of the more common print jobs consumers use in the printer/copier industry. 

However, it is not always easy to figure out how to do it. And there are two types of duplex printing whose steps will be different depending on which one you use. 

We’ve been a local Texas printer company since the 1980s and have a staff that includes over 200 years of combined experience in the industry. 

What Is Xerox eConcierge and How Does it Work? 

Submitted by Mary Shamburger on Thu, 01/26/2023 - 09:00

Have you ever struggled to get printing supplies, like toner or ink, for your printer?  

If you have, then you understand that reordering printing supplies are a hassle. Most of the time, you don’t even know you’re running low until you’re completely out and navigating the toner aisle at the nearest office equipment store can be intimidating or sometimes even impossible.   

Xerox has a program, called eConcierge, that is designed to take the guesswork out of measuring supply levels, assisting you in reordering supplies and providing you with a resource for free service calls as you desire. 

What Is Xerox Smart Start and How Do You Install It? 

Submitted by Karla Metzler on Fri, 01/06/2023 - 08:08

Xerox has a software solution, called Xerox Smart Start, that could be your answer if you’re looking to download a printer driver to complete tasks, like printing and scanning, on your printer. 

However, it can be a bit complicated, at least at first, to install. You also might not be fully aware of what Xerox Smart Start is and how it works. 

We’re here to help. As a Xerox Platinum Solutions Partner, we are equipped with the knowledge to help you learn everything you need to know about Xerox Smart Start. 

How Much Do Printer/Copier Supplies Cost? 

Submitted by Karla Metzler on Wed, 01/04/2023 - 09:37

Printing supplies make up a major portion of the cost of owning a printer/copier. 

Items like toner cartridges, ink cartridges and paper are regularly purchased and used daily in the traditional workplace. 

But how much do these supplies cost? Are you currently overpaying for supplies when you don’t need to? 

As a company that sells office printing equipment, we know as well as anyone how much printing supplies can cost you.  

How Much Does Printer Service Cost? 

Submitted by Nolan Fowler on Wed, 11/30/2022 - 07:24

There are not many things more important to owning a printer/copier than having a solution for printer service. 

Why? Because obtaining service for your printer when you desperately need it can be costly and hard to come by. 

Believe it or not, printers are not so different from the car you drive every day. They are complex machines, especially at the advanced level, that require proper care and maintenance.  

If you use your printer frequently, service issues—especially as your machine ages--- will occur. That’s why it’s crucial to have a solution for service in place before an issue arises. 

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