Supplies & Maintenance

Who to Call for Service | Meet Our Service Team

Submitted by Matthew Eberhart on Fri, 01/19/2024 - 07:34
Purchasing a new copier/printer is an exciting and smart business decision. We understand that you may have some questions or concerns that still need addressing but have no idea who to talk to. So, below we answered several commonly asked questions. After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of where you need to go and who you should speak to for service-related questions.

Printer Security in the Legal Environment: How You Can Implement It

Submitted by Josh McAden on Fri, 01/12/2024 - 07:03

In the legal industry, printing is an essential part of the workflow — lawyers and staff print out multiple documents every day. However, frequent handling of confidential information during the printing process poses significant security risks that can lead to disastrous consequences for business owners. Unfortunately, printer security is often ignored until the consequences of such risks take effect.

To ensure the confidentiality of printed documents and maintain the integrity of business operations, it is essential to understand printer security and its importance in the legal world. Investing in robust printer security measures can help your business protect sensitive information, comply with regulatory requirements, and uphold ethical standards.

Have You Heard of Cybersecurity Insurance? Explore Costs, Types, Pros & Cons

Submitted by Byanka Ramos on Fri, 01/05/2024 - 08:02

Have you ever stopped to think about how many digital transactions you make in a day? You likely check your bank account frequently, and in today's digital world, you're probably making some kind of online purchase, either for personal or business reasons. Unfortunately, at any given time, our digital assets are at risk of being exposed, stolen, or sold. That's why in this age of digital transactions and data-driven operations, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated.

What Is Xerox Total Call Service and How Can It Benefit Your Business?

Submitted by Karla Metzler on Sun, 06/25/2023 - 13:42

Everything is chugging along nicely: your service technician just repaired your printer’s belt for you, which was failing and causing printer slowdowns. 

Now, you’re ready to get your printer up and running again so you can stay on top of important business orders.

Except, only two weeks later, your printer is stalled again. 

As more and more projects pile up, you have to wait for your service technician to come back out to your location and replace two additional parts. 

Now, you’re several days behind schedule, and your clients are not happy. Your employees are finding it difficult to complete work tasks, and everyone is falling behind. 

Unfortunately, scenarios like this one sometimes happen when you’re on a basic preventative maintenance plan. 

If your service tech had just checked those other parts when they repaired the printer belt, you could have avoided this problem.

5 Best Practices for Color Printing

Submitted by Mary Shamburger on Thu, 05/25/2023 - 13:23

We all want our color prints to look sharp, but it can be difficult to figure out which color combinations and printer paper options to use. 

Even when you perform a color printing test before scheduling a large print job, you are still wasting money on ink or toner—and those dollars really add up if your company prints significant amounts of marketing material.

A 2014 student-led study revealed that Chanel No. 5 perfume costs $38 per ounce, while the equivalent amount of Hewlett-Packard printer ink can cost up to $75. 

This means that printer ink is two times more expensive than designer perfume.

9 Printer Wi-Fi Connectivity Solutions

Submitted by Liz Adair on Mon, 05/08/2023 - 08:59

You have a presentation scheduled in 30 minutes, and you’ve created some fabulous handouts for your team members so they can follow along.

Your printer can spit out documents in only a few seconds, so you should have plenty of time to print everything you need. You use AirPrint to send your documents from your MacBook to your printer automatically, and then you wait.

When you don’t hear the familiar whirring sound that tells you the printer is working, you decide to check and make sure everything’s going as planned. You walk over to your ominously silent printer…and your heart sinks. 

The network icon is not lit up. Your printer has somehow lost Wi-Fi connection, and you only have 15 minutes to solve the problem and print your documents for the presentation.

Unfortunately, we’ve all been here before.

What Is OEM Printer Toner? (Pros, Cons, Cost)

Submitted by Liz Adair on Fri, 05/05/2023 - 15:26

No one likes having to replace toner cartridges.

Toner can be messy, expensive, and replacing a cartridge can be time consuming if you’re not a seasoned pro. If you’re having to spend hours of time replacing toner cartridges, then you’re losing out on valuable time and money that could be spent on important work tasks.

Besides, there’s so much information out there about toner that it’s difficult to figure out what kind of toner to buy or how often to replace your toner cartridge after installation.

As Xerox Diamond Authorized Solution Partners, our print experts at STPT are well-versed in printer toner and other print supplies.

5 Problems with Your Auto Toner Shipment (Solutions)

Submitted by Matthew Eberhart on Mon, 05/01/2023 - 08:30

One of the most frustrating things about copier printers is managing supplies.

With your busy schedule, you probably don't have time to worry about how much toner your laser printer has, or how many pages of printer paper you're storing on-site at your office.

Unfortunately, not knowing these things can sometimes leave you and your team members in a bind. What if your office suddenly runs out of laser printer toner or printer paper? What happens if you need a new printer toner cartridge and don't have one on hand? 

5 Steps to Sustainable Printing

Submitted by Liz Adair on Wed, 04/26/2023 - 10:26

Sustainability is the name of the game in 2023.

A recent study found that consumers will pay up to 20% extra for greener products, and companies who are environmentally conscious tend to perform better financially. 

As the importance of sustainability grows for consumers, companies need to embrace the change by incorporating sustainable development practices into their business models.

This means taking real steps towards environmentally friendly practices, like green printing, paperless office policies, and recycling office supplies. 

With over 30 years of experience, our team members at STPT are experts in all things print. From finding print services to sourcing eco print materials and buying eco-friendly laser printers, we want to use our expertise to help your company achieve its sustainability goals.

4 Signs it May Be Time For a New Copier Printer (2024)

Submitted by Matthew Eberhart on Sat, 04/22/2023 - 14:30

You want to get your money's worth out of expensive office equipment, but when does hanging onto an old machine start to cost more than it’s worth? 

As your copier printer ages, it will naturally start encountering more problems, and when these problems start to occur, you’re likely spending more time and money on maintenance than the machine is worth. Trading in your current machine will likely save you money and increase productivity. 

Our printer experts at STPT have been in the business for almost 40 years, and we want to use our know-how to help you maintain your copier printer for as long as possible.

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