Office Equipment

​What Is a Printer/Copier’s Duty Cycle? 

Submitted by Mary Shamburger on Wed, 10/19/2022 - 09:00

If you’ve ever looked at a printer/copier online, you’re likely familiar with the term “duty cycle.” 

But what does a machine’s duty cycle mean and why is it important? 

These are the types of questions we will use our almost 40 years of industry expertise as a print vendor to answer today because duty cycle is one of the key indicators you need to pay attention to before purchasing a new office machine.  

If you forego a printer’s monthly duty cycle and just buy whichever machine you can find easily, you may be subjecting yourself to more service issues down the road---something we will cover later on in this blog.  

Buying a Copier/Printer? Top 6 Things to Consider

Submitted by Mary Shamburger on Fri, 10/07/2022 - 10:00

Did you know that some printers/copiers can range from $1,000-$100,000? 

That makes it all the more significant that you get the right office machine in place for your company the first time around. Because wasting money on an insufficient machine can be significantly costly and frustrating.  

The number one thing you can do to make sure you get the right printer in place for your company is to educate yourself on all you need to consider before purchasing a new machine. 

We’ve accumulated a vast amount of knowledge during our almost 40 years in the printer/copier industry, and thus, have become intimately familiar with all that goes into finding the perfect printer. 

What Are Printer Drivers and Why Are They Important? 

Submitted by Joel Metzler on Fri, 09/30/2022 - 09:00

What are printer drivers and why are they important to your printer’s daily operation? 

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t know what a printer driver is and what role they play in the functioning of a printer/copier. 

But printer drivers do play an essential role in the performance of your office machine and could end up being the root of the problem if your printer is malfunctioning. 

There are different types of printer drivers you can get, and most will require updates at certain points to keep up with the machine’s software. 

Xerox AltaLink C8130 vs. Toshiba e-STUDIO 3015AC (Differences + Cost) 

Submitted by Nolan Fowler on Wed, 09/28/2022 - 09:00

How can you tell the differences between two printers? Are there really any? 

Besides the appearance and logo on the machine, there may not be obvious differences between a printer from this brand and a printer from that brand. 

When you dig underneath the surface though, there are quite a few differences worth noting between two different-branded printers---beyond just the cost and basic functions of the machines. 

Knowing the differences between two seemingly similar printer models can ultimately make your purchasing decision for you. But to get to that decision, you need access to the right information.   

Everything You Need to Know About the Xerox Device Agent

Submitted by Matthew Eberhart on Wed, 09/07/2022 - 09:00

If you’ve purchased, or plan to purchase, a Xerox machine and want to include managed print services, then you will need to become familiar with the Xerox Device Agent (XDA). 

The XDA is essential to understand if you want to enable services like automatic shipments of supplies, such as toner or ink cartridges, and receive detailed reports on usage levels. 

But what exactly is the XDA? And how do you install it on your network and add your devices to it?  

Everything You Need to Know About Cooperative Purchasing for Printers/Copiers 

Submitted by Mary Shamburger on Fri, 09/02/2022 - 07:04

If you were offered a free membership to a service that would give you a discount on your next printer/copier, would you take it? 

I’m guessing 99.9% of you said “Of course!” to that question. However, since seemingly nothing in life is free, you’re probably wondering: “What’s the catch?” 

Top 6 Best Home Office Printers (2023) 

Submitted by Mary Shamburger on Wed, 08/31/2022 - 09:00

Trying to find an office printer for your home? 

If you are, then the number of home printer options on the market can seem unlimited and overwhelming, making it difficult to decide which one to go with. 

No matter what you need the printer for, whether it be for personal use, work purposes or both, you need a reliable machine in place to handle all of your printing matters. 

Not getting the right home printer in place can lead to added frustration, especially if you purchase a printer that cannot reasonably handle how much you print. 

10 Hidden Costs of Owning or Leasing a Printer/Copier 

Submitted by Mary Shamburger on Wed, 08/10/2022 - 12:23

You would be surprised at how much owning a printer/copier could cost you. 

It’s not just for the machine itself, or the supplies that it takes to run efficiently. Buried beneath the surface are obscure, seemingly minuscule, costs that may catch you off guard if you’re not aware of them. 

Being in the printer industry for over 35 years has taught us a lot of things, but maybe the most noteworthy of them all is how much printing costs can accrue on a company’s annual budget. 

​Xerox VersaLink or AltaLink Printers: Which Is Right for Me? 

Submitted by Nolan Fowler on Wed, 07/27/2022 - 09:00

Within each brand that sells printers/copiers are multiple different categories of products. 

For instance, Xerox has VersaLink, AltaLink, PrimeLink and WorkCentre machines, among others, listed in their product catalog. 

The two main product families you are likely to see with Xerox are the VersaLink and AltaLink printers, and that is what will be discussed in this blog. 

As a platinum status partner of Xerox, we are intrinsically familiar with their assortment of products and sell a large number of both VersaLink and AltaLink machines to a wide array of workgroups. 

Why Is Keeping Your Printers Online Important?

Submitted by Karla Metzler on Fri, 07/15/2022 - 07:02

The workplace has become more technologically advanced with time, which has increased the efficiency of office technology in automating tasks that would customarily be completed manually.  

But there is a mechanism that print providers use to execute tasks like automatically shipping your toner at the right time or ensuring you have the latest firmware update for your device.  

It involves having your printers online, or in this case, connected to a cloud server from your print provider. 

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