How Trading In Your Current Copier/Printer Could Benefit Your Organization

Submitted by Michaela McMellan on Thu, 08/27/2020 - 09:00

Year after year, copier/printers get released with new and better performing technology and features. You may have a machine that’s working fine, but newer models can be enticing. 

The good news is, if you want (or need) an upgrade, you can trade-in your current machine anytime. You may even get a trade-in bonus or discount for doing so. 

Trading in a leased copier/printer is a chance to upgrade to the latest technology and features. These models will provide you with more tools to help increase productivity than your current machine.  

How to Handle Your Xerox Machine During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Submitted by Michaela McMellan on Thu, 07/16/2020 - 15:33

COVID-19 changed the workforce in ways nobody could have imagined. Remote work became the new normal and masks became required in most social settings. After several months of lockdown, businesses are opening back up; people are starting to come back to a physical space, and once again sharing office supplies and machines. 

When you return to the office, you might be a little cautious about sharing office supplies or your shared copier/printer. 

To help prevent unwanted sickness at your office, we are going to share three ways to help shared office equipment stay germ-free. 

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